Card Swipe Programs

From Sourcecode,llc © 2018, 2019, 2020

The CSP package provides the applications necessary to more accurately manage Patrons, track food and clothing distribution, track volunteer hours, and record patron visits for other assistance programs

CSP Reception

Upon swiping (or using iris identification,) the Patron’s previously gathered demographic data is presented as well as a synopsis of their visit history and any notes that may have been saved. New or modified notes may be updated and saved.

CSP Food Checkout

Enter either the WEIGHT or, for a USDA Patron, the USDA WEIGHT, then press enter. Then press the CHECKOUT button to save the transaction. 

The number of allowed visits and food-pounds per week per Patron may be configured.

CSP Clothing Checkout

Set the clothing-type and count, then click the CHECKOUT button to save the transaction.  

The number of allowed visits and clothing items per week per Patron may be configured.

CSP Administration

CSP Admin provides all of the patron/card/iris maintenance functions you will need. 

Those features include:

ASSIGN A CARD – this tab lets you assign the first CSP Card to a previously entered Patron. Enter as much of the demographic information as you suspect will locate this Patron in the database. The SEARCH button will return all matches to the list box. Select one, click the Use Selected Patron button, enter the new card number (swipe or type) and click the ASSIGN CARD button. 

RE-ASSIGN A CARD – this tab lets you assign a new CSP Card to an EXISTING Patron. Enter as much of the information as you suspect will locate this Patron in the database. The SEARCH button will return all matches to the list box. Select one, click the Use Selected Patron button, enter the new card number (swipe or type) and finally, click the (re)ASSIGN CARD.

This operation provides 2 functions, first, it updates the Patron’s record to register this new CSP card number; but it also goes through the Patron’s history and updates all of the transactions to reflect this new card value so that his history remains intact for reporting and reception purposes.  

EXPIRE A CARD – Search for, then Select a Patron. Click Expire This Card. 

ADD A NEW PATRON – Enter the demographic information and press Add as New Patron. You may also search for previously entered Patrons of similar address, etc. 

UPDATE PROFILE – to edit the demographic information associated with a Patron.

PATRON ALERT –  provides a means to ‘alert’ the receptionist to a message upon a Patron’s next visit. 

CSP Reports

Begin by selecting the timeframe for the report; there are several quick choices prebuilt for you as well as Year To Date (YTD) and ALL DATA. For a customized timeframe use the FROM and TO areas.

Choose a report type from the dropdown list, and then click RUN REPORT.

Buttons are provided to print the visible page or ALL pages. 

CSP Outgoing Agencies

This function provides a means to manage cases where you forward food to other agencies. The list of agencies may be expanded by entering a new name into a text box and clicking Add As New. 

CSP Volunteer Time Sheets

To help with tracking Volunteer hours both on and off site, CSP provides this application. For an ‘on site’ ARRIVAL or DEPARTURE, select COMING or GOING and swipe the CSP card or locate by iris (you’ll note that one of the demographic choices in “adding a new patron” is whether or not the “patron” is a volunteer.)

To add off-site hours, use the Offsite Manual Entry tab. Enter the hours and manually enter the CSP card number of the volunteer.